Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thing 17 Tagging, Folksonomy &

After spending the last couple of months building a bookshelf on Shelfari, I found it easy to understand tagging and folksonomy--it is the amateur's AACR2, really. It is open to more inaccuracies than conventional cataloging. Probably searches are more comprehensive than precise, since tags aren't defined as sharply as AACR2 subject headings.

I am having a harder time with I decicided to create my own account. Once I got past trying to find a username & password that hadn't already been taken and that fit the citeria, it was kinda cool. In Microsoft, all my favorites are organized into folders, which turned into tags in My next stumbling block...I don't know if I will ever be able to use on another computer, because I don't remember which username and password I settled on...

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