Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thing 16: Journey into MySpace

WebSense, the City of Va. Beach's filtering software, intruded more in MySpace then in any other Learning 2.0 assignment to date. I could not load a photo because my java client was out of date, and all attempts by MySpace to load the right software were blocked by WebSense. When one of my potential Friends emailed that she wanted to be my Friend, WebSense blocked my adding her. My popularity suffers.

That said, my eureka moment was discovering my high school, Princess Anne High, had 5 MySpace group pages. And looking through them I found someone I actually remembered fondly from those tortuous years. I am not sure he will recognize "Library Dragon" with no photo, but hey, it was fun looking at his picture.

When I can get up with my more web savvy co-workers, I will see if he/she can help me work around the photo upload glitch. In the meantime, I successfully added my potential friend by going in through my home page in MySpace. I have a Friend!!! Other than the generic Tom who is busy, away, and not taking emails. : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH Josie !!! I'm so glad you have a friend (besides Tom). If I did myspace I would be your friend, but I don't.